Asset finance

Effects Of Load Shedding On Businesses & What To Do

May 17, 2023
Female mechanic loadshedding

The Effects of Load Shedding On South African Businesses

How Load Shedding Inconveniences Businesses

Load shedding in South Africa continues to have a significant impact on businesses across various sectors. As highlighted by the South African Property Owners Association (SAPOA), the effects of load shedding on businesses are extensive and often severe. Learn more about the current state of load shedding in South Africa, its broader economic impact, its effects on businesses, the tax benefits of investing in renewables, and the steps companies can take to mitigate these effects, including asset financing.

1. Current State of Load Shedding in South Africa

Load shedding has become a daily occurrence in South Africa, severely affecting businesses and disrupting operations. Most respondents in a SAPOA survey reported a serious or very serious impact on their business. Load shedding has increased operational costs for businesses, as they must invest in alternative power sources, such as solar panels, UPS systems, or diesel generators, to maintain standard operating levels.

The constant power outages have caused several issues, including the inability to maintain consistent working hours, increased downtime, and adverse effects on customer relationships. Additionally, the need for a more reliable electricity supply has made it difficult for businesses to plan for the future and make strategic decisions.

2. Effects of Load Shedding on Businesses

The impact of load shedding on businesses is multifaceted and includes the following:

  • Loss of production: Many businesses rely on electricity for machinery, technology, and lighting. Power outages disrupt operations and prevent companies from reaching their production targets.
  • Loss of profit: With reduced production comes a loss of profit. Businesses also face additional costs, such as the potential for increased employee overtime and investing in backup power solutions.
  • Theft and burglary: Small businesses are particularly vulnerable during load shedding, as power outages render security systems, such as alarms and CCTV, ineffective. This increases the risk of theft and burglary.
  • Damage to electronics: Power surges resulting from load shedding can cause damage to electronic components, adding to the financial burden on businesses.

3. Wider Economic Impact

The effects of load shedding extend beyond individual businesses, impacting the entire economy. In the manufacturing sector, business owner confidence has been significantly affected due to the constant power outages. A decrease in operational assets during load shedding has forced many businesses to function at reduced capacity, leading to a decline in productivity and impacting South Africa’s economy.

Investments in South Africa have also been impacted, with the energy crisis deterring potential foreign investors. This reduced investment further hinders economic growth and job creation, exacerbating the challenging situation.

4. Steps to Take

To mitigate the impact of load shedding, businesses should consider the following steps:

  1. Stay informed: Keep up to date on load shedding schedules to plan operations accordingly.
  2. Invest in alternative energy solutions: Evaluate the benefits of UPS systems, backup generators, or solar PV systems, and invest in a solution that best fits the business's needs.
  3. Back-up data: Regularly back up essential data to ensure business continuity during power outages.
  4. Diversify energy sources: Combining multiple energy solutions, such as solar panels and backup generators, can provide a more reliable and sustainable power supply.

5. Load Shedding Power Solutions

Businesses can explore various alternative power systems, including:

  • Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems: UPS systems provide emergency power during short-term power outages, allowing for the safe and orderly shutdown of computers and other equipment.
  • Backup generators: Diesel or gas generators can provide a continuous power supply during extended outages but may have higher operational costs due to fuel consumption.
  • Grid-tied PV solar systems: Solar PV systems generate electricity using solar modules and can be a cost-effective solution in areas with ample sunlight, such as South Africa. However, grid-tied systems may only function during load shedding if additional hardware and backup power solutions are installed.
  • Off-grid solar PV systems: These independent power generation systems use solar PV modules and battery storage to provide a reliable and sustainable power supply. Off-grid systems are particularly beneficial for remote or rural areas but are becoming increasingly popular in urban areas due to the ongoing load shedding crisis.

However, the problem often lies not in what the solution is but in how to fund the solution, considering the already limited operations and profit.

6. Tax Benefits Of Renewables

The South African government has introduced a R9-billion tax relief program to help businesses mitigate the impact of load shedding and support the country's clean energy transition. Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana announced during the 2023 budget speech that R5-billion would be allocated to companies by expanding the renewable energy incentive.

This expanded incentive allows businesses to claim a 125% deduction in the first year for all renewable energy projects with no generation capacity thresholds. Available for investments brought into use for the first time between March 1, 2023, and February 28, 2025, this deduction can significantly reduce a company's corporate income tax liability in the first year of operation, easing the financial burden of investing in clean energy solutions.

7. Financing Solutions for Alternative Power Systems

Investing in alternative power systems can be costly, but businesses can leverage financing solutions like Payabill to afford these investments and maintain productivity. Payabill offers quick and easy access to asset finance, allowing businesses to acquire assets, such as solar panels, generators, or UPS systems, on extended terms. This enables businesses to retain cash for other working capital requirements.

By leveraging business asset finance solutions, businesses can invest in alternative power systems and alleviate the effects of load shedding, ensuring continued growth and success in the face of ongoing challenges.


Load shedding in South Africa has significantly impacted businesses in terms of day-to-day operations and long-term growth. By understanding the effects of load shedding, businesses can make informed decisions about investing in alternative power systems and mitigating the risks associated with unreliable electricity supply. Financing solutions like Payabill can help businesses access the necessary funds to invest in alternative power systems, allowing them to maintain productivity, protect their assets, and overcome the challenges posed by load shedding.

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